Contact Details
Location: Off the Lincoln Highway, Whyalla Norrie
Postal Address: PO Box 704, Whyalla SA 5600
Club Contacts: President – Roger Smith 0448751819
Secretary – Damian Bochnicek 0417895814
Current Program
Club Constitution
About the Club
The SSAA Whyalla Branch is located on the Lincoln Highway on the outskirts of Whyalla, South Australia. Currently, the club is made up of a small but dedicated group of about 25 shooters. The range is open to members on Saturday afternoons, Sunday mornings and occasionally Sunday afternoons. As well as being home to SSAA members, the Whyalla range is also frequented by both air and naval cadets.
The Branch was founded in 1973 and was used mainly for sighting in hunting rifles but it wasnít long before a bench was constructed and a 200-yard range marked out. Regular competitions now take place on the enclosed firing line, which accommodates 18 shooting positions.
In 1997, a separate 100-metre shooting range was added to the site to cater for rimfire metallic silhouette competitions.
The Whyalla Branch has been host to the national lever action titles, black powder titles and state field rifle and 3P championships in the past.
Recently, BHP, owners of the land on which the club sits, proposed to return it to the South Australian Government. Along with the Whyalla Branch, the three other shooting clubs in the area, big bore, shotgun and pistol, requested that the SA Government transfer the land to them following BHPís divestment. The newly formed association now jointly holds the land, which totals about 620 acres, on a perpetual lease
What do we shoot
- Benchrest (Rimfire & Centrefire)
- Single Action
- Field Rifle, 3 Position (Rimfire & Centrefire)
- Scoped Air Rifle
- Handgun Silhouette (Rimfire)
- Rifle Silhouette (Rimfire, Centrefire, Air)
- Lever Action (Rimfire, Pistol and Centrefire)
When do we shoot
- Saturday matches start at 1:30pm
- Sunday matches start at 10:00am
- Normally open 1 hour prior for practice.
- During the week range is available by appointment
Disciplines practiced
- Single Action Shooting
- Service Rifle
- Rifle Metallic Silhouette
- Lever Action
- Handgun Metallic Silhouette
- Field Rifle & 3 Position
- Black Powder
- Benchrest
- Air Rifle
- Air Pistol