Media Enquiries
Senior Vice President
David Handyside

0418 820 470


General Enquiries
Junior Vice President
Jess Bobrige

0419 849 452


Range Development, Club Liaison, Conservation & Mobile Range
Executive Officer
James Reeves

0499 554 498


Media Enquiries


0418 820 470

General Enquiries

Junior Vice President

0419 849 452

Mobile Air Rifle Range Hire and Firearms Safety Instruction

Executive Officer

0499 554 498

Adelaide Black Powder Muzzleloading Club

Contact Details

Location: Gorge Road, Castumbul. Go through Castumbul, and make a sharp left turn across Playford Bridge (Green Bridge).
Postal Address: PO Box 88, Athelstone SA 5076

President – Gregg Kirby

0401 122 193

Secretary – John Cowie

0418 258 122

About the Club

This club officially began in 1962. Its facilities consist of a clubhouse, two covered firing points for 100m and 200m shooting, plus a shotgun range with voice-operated trap.

The club is ostensibly a blackpowder and not a general shooting club. Members must own and shoot a blackpowder firearm at the club to be accepted and retain membership, and should participate in at least two blackpowder shoots per year. Working Bees are obligatory.

Members are not permitted to apply for a pistol licence through this club until twelve months of active membership (shooting) with a personal blackpowder longarm has been completed in the first instance, and thereafter.

What do we shoot

  • Black Powder (Rifle, Pistol & Shotgun)
  • Single Shot Rifle
  • Schutzen Match (100m OH Black Powder Cartridge or Muzzle Loader)

When do we shoot

  • Regular competitions are held on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month.
  • Shotgun on the 3rd Saturdays, start 12 noon, remaining events from 1.00 pm.
  • Pistol on the 1st Saturdays, start at 12 noon, remaining events from 1.00 pm.
  • The 5th Saturdays are open to all classes of permitted firearms.
  • Range normally open for practice from 11.00 am.

Disciplines practiced

Club Enquiry

    All fields are obligatory

    Introducing the SSAA Allambi Shooting Complex
