Media Enquiries
Senior Vice President
David Handyside

0418 820 470


General Enquiries
Junior Vice President
Jess Bobrige

0419 849 452


Range Development, Club Liaison, Conservation & Mobile Range
Executive Officer
James Reeves

0499 554 498


Media Enquiries


0418 820 470

General Enquiries

Junior Vice President

0419 849 452

Mobile Air Rifle Range Hire and Firearms Safety Instruction

Executive Officer

0499 554 498

Allambi Shooting Complex

Introducing the SSAA Allambi Shooting Complex

Welcome to a groundbreaking chapter for our Association! We’re still not quite open for business yet but we’re thrilled to share some exciting news and updates here as we progress.

Our association has successfully acquired this substantial piece of land and secured a government grant (Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing) to help realize our vision of a state-of-the-art multi-discipline shooting complex. This monumental step marks a significant milestone provided for YOU as a member of our State Association.

There has never been a better time for South Australians to join the SSAA. Owning our very own dedicated facility and land, freehold means that we can better secure our sport for future generations. Over time, we will continue to develop this property as funds become available.

Our ranges

Range 1

A 1609m (1 mile) range is approved and pending build.

Range 2

A 40 position 100m and 200m range that will cater for a gambit of disciplines/matches and a place where visitors wanting to sight in a rifle prior to a hunting trip or wanting to do some load development, may book a position and time slot. (booking system coming soon)

Handicap toilet facilities are available at this location.

Range 3

A shotgun range, still currently in development. This range will cater for multiple shotgun disciplines.

Handicap toilet facilities are available near this location.

Range 4

A 1000m range. This range will accommodate a multitude of disciplines/matches. Stay tuned for the calendar when it becomes available here.

Handicap toilet facilities are available at this location.

Range 5

A stand alone pistol shooting complex. This area has been set aside and pending further funding for development. The complex will allow 3 seperate pistol ranges (side by side with dividing walls). They will be 25m, 50m and 100m long ranges capable of accomodating many different disciplines.  Stay tuned for more updates when they become available here.

Handicap toilet facilities will be available at this location.

The homestead

What can I say? Opportunity knocks.

Powered campsites will also be made available in due course pending council development approval.

Stay tuned for a booking calendar showcasing availability, rates and special offerings. Your shooting getaway is just a click away!

For expressions of interest or any other enquiries please contact us at the below:

Range Development, Club Liaison, Conservation and Mobile Range
Executive Officer
James Reeves
0499 554 498


The SSAA(SA) is proudly conducting a major conservation effort on the property. We have a resident population of vulnerable malleefowl and many other important species of plants and animals living in the ‘heritage agreed’ parcel of native vegetation on the eastern side of the property.

Pest control – Invasive weeds and invasive animals are a very real threat to our unique South Australian biodiversity. Did you know that South Australia has less than 10% remnant native vegetation left? This is what makes these parcels of land even more important and valuable (high value biodiversity assets). It is our responsibility to make this place better than how we found it. Over the last 12-18 months, we have been very busy collecting datasets on both native vegetation and also the important wildlife the reside or visit here during migration seasons.  All of this data (bird species list, native vegetation list and all of the animals and insects) will be made available for people visiting the Allambi Shooting Complex and will help raise awareness and educate our future generations of budding conservationists.

Allambi Shooting Complex will not only be a place to learn how to shoot competitively but also a place to learn how we take care of our country. Hunting pest animals is just one of the many ways we achieve this but also by providing more habitat for the animal species we want and need.

These lucky malleefowl have now come under the protection of our small army of member volunteers from both the C&WM Branch providing a special pest control program focusing on predatory animals namely foxes and cats but also from our many volunteers who are involved with providing more and improved habitat.

Native Revegetation – We have already planted 70 acres of mixed mallee species to provide more habitat and to begin the long process of regenerating the thrashed out old cereal cropped paddocks.

The Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SA) is open to teaming up and working with other conservation organisations and/or businesses to expand on our efforts. We plan to rehabilitate and plant another 424 acres of mixed mallee that has been set aside and we are looking to raise funds to help us achieve extremely important goal. Please get in touch with our Executive Officer James Reeves if you have any questions regarding our conservation story. Stay tuned for more information and progress on this.

Introducing the SSAA Allambi Shooting Complex