Regarding National Police Clearance: You will note when you read through the document that forms submitted for volunteer organisations have no charge attached as the SSAA SA will submit the form with our confidential VOAN number clearance.
Fill out your application form online, print it off, have a JP or qualified person witness your 100 point documents and then submit your form to SSAA SA. We we will apply the VOAN and forward it to SAPOL. When approved it be be sent directly back to you.
If you have any further questions after reading the documents on line please contact us.
Department of Human Services (DHS) screening for working with children
Please note that organisations such as SSAA SA require a screening check with the DHS if you are engaging in employment or volunteer work with children.
Screening checks by the DHS involves a risk assessment specifically focused on the applicant’s risk in relation to a particular work or volunteer role. There is no such risk assessment with the National Police Certificate which is simply a record of the applicant’s criminal conviction history.
Clubs and associations involving children
Clubs and associations that provide services or activities and have: a significant membership of children, or a significant involvement by children are doing child-related work.
Clubs and associations include a reference to a body (whether or not incorporated and however described) providing services or undertaking activities of a sporting, recreational, cultural or artistic nature.
Coaching or tuition services for children
Coaching or tuition services for children means services provided to children consisting of instruction in one or more of the following areas: education, sports, recreational activities, cultural awareness or cultural activities, arts and crafts, and includes coaching or tuition services provided in the course of any other service or activity that is defined as child-related work under the Prohibited Persons Act.
SSAA SA Range Officers, Firearm Safety Training Instructors, Club Officials, Club Members and all other persons who have an involvement with children must apply directly for a Working With Children Check.
SSAA Membership
Note that SSAA SA generously pays the annual SSAA Membership fee for all Junior Shooters from 10 up to 18 years of age. Scan and send your Junior Membership, Applications and Renewals, to and Cc or by post to SSAA SA, GPO Box 1605, Adelaide SA 5001.
Age Restrictions
And Club Chits
Section 74 of the Firearms Regulations 2017
74—Acceptance of new members
(1) A recognised firearms club that is a shooting club must not grant an application for
membership of the club unless—
(a) the applicant has produced to the club—
(i) a firearms licence held by the applicant; or
(ii) a notice issued by the Registrar under regulation 28 to the applicant
within the preceding 60 days; or
(iii) a notice issued by the Registrar within the preceding 60 days, stating
that the Registrar is satisfied that the applicant is a fit and proper
person to be granted membership of a shooting club; and
(b) if the applicant holds a licence authorising the applicant to possess a category
H firearm for use as a member of a shooting club or the applicant intends to
use a category H firearm in the course of the applicant’s membership of the club—
the applicant has, in addition, produced to the club—
(i) 2 references each of which appears to have been signed by a person
within the preceding 60 days and to state that the person has known
the applicant for at least the preceding 2 years and that the applicant
is a person of good character and a suitable person to be a member of
a firearms club; and
(ii) a criminal history report (such as a National Police Certificate)
relating to the person provided by South Australia Police or the ACC
or an ACC accredited agency or broker within the preceding 12
Maximum penalty: $2500.00
Expiation fee: $210.00