Media Enquiries
Senior Vice President
David Handyside

0418 820 470


General Enquiries
Junior Vice President
Jess Bobrige

0419 849 452


Range Development, Club Liaison, Conservation & Mobile Range
Executive Officer
James Reeves

0499 554 498


Media Enquiries


0418 820 470

General Enquiries

Junior Vice President

0419 849 452

Mobile Air Rifle Range Hire and Firearms Safety Instruction

Executive Officer

0499 554 498

Cyclists Smallbore Rifle

Contact Details

Location: State Shooting Park, 65 Carmelo Road, Buckland Park SA 5120
Approx 30 kms from the city centre
Postal Address: PO Box 742, Salisbury SA 5108
Club Contacts: For more details email the secretary at Or ring one of the following Mark: 0408 168 980  Mark A: 0447 064 909  John: 0411 550 069

About the Club

This is an Olympic sport and caters for all levels of interest from those who wish to participate as a recreation to those who would like to work towards the highest level of competition at state, national or international

Membership open to men and women of all ages from 12 years upwards References and Police clearance required.

Coaching: Available from qualified coaches.

Rifles: Club rifles available for hire on the day.

What do we shoot

  • .22 Prone Rifle
  • .22 Benchrest
  • Centrefire rifle (Visit other clubs)
  • Shotgun (Visit other clubs)

When do we shoot

  • First, third and fifth Sundays each month, 9am start. Visitors welcome.

Disciplines practiced

Club Enquiry

    All fields are obligatory

    Introducing the SSAA Allambi Shooting Complex
